Tuesday 12 April 2016

How did you attract/ adress your audience?

How did you attract/ address your audience?
In September, before starting to design my magazine I made a questionnaire in order for me to create a magazine to the standard of which my target audience would like and enjoy. The questionnaire was answers by the the target audience that my magazine would be aimed at so both genders between the ages of 16 and 30 to get  better understanding of the features, advertisement, design and price that my audience would want in this magazine. By using the results of the magazine it allowed my magazine to instantly become popular as it featured things that my target audience would like in the magazine.

I gained more knowledge by creating a secondary questionnaire once I had completed my magazine to see if my magazine had been successful to my target audience. The imitation I faced from doing tis was that only 5 people from my target audience were given the questionnaire, and they were in similar age rages, I would have found out more if I had asked a range of ages and more people, then I would have more feedback to improve my magazine. From the questionnaire results that I collected there was all positive comments, they liked how I had listened to their initial thoughts and said if the magazine was on shop shelves they would buy the magazine. 

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